Madras House,
Ilford, IG1
GUIDE PRICE £230,000 - A very well presented purpose built 1 bedroom flat located on the first floor of an ex local authrity development within 1 mile of Ilford's vibrant town centre with bus links to East Ham and Central London.
The accommodation comprises of a bright and defined reception. A separate kitchen area, a good sized double bedroom and a generous internal bathroom/wc.
The building is centrally located in the heart of Ilford giving you easy access to the town centre with its trendy cafes, restaurants and shops.
The property currently has a lease of approximately 125 years and achievable rental income is between £1050/£1150 per month. Service charge is approximately £779 per annum and ground rent is £10 per annum.
- Maximum number of occupants is , as households.
- This property requires to be licensed by London Borough of.
No EPC chart found
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