121 Walton Road,
Manor Park, E12
GUIDE PRICE £230,000 - £250,000 - Located off Romford within an area of Manor Park that has gone through regeneration and rarely available on the market is this LARGE (NEW BUILD) ONE BEDROOM SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT. The property is spacious and features its PRIVATE BALCONY. The property has been very well maintained by its current owners who have loved living there. The block consists of a total of 14 apartments and offers secure video entry. Both Manor Park and Ilford Cross Rail Station are only a short walk away providing access to Stratford in only 9mins and Liverpool Street in 18mins. The brand new Ilford Station Entrance is due to open Q4 2020 whilst the Elizabeth CROSS RAIL Line will open in 2021. This apartment is an excellent first time buy or an equally good buy to let investment. Offered Chain Free. Call us today for a viewing!
- Maximum number of occupants is , as households.
- This property requires to be licensed by London Borough of.
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